a.We only ship to your confirmed address. Please make sure your shipping address is correct before purchase, P.O. Boxes and military addresses (apo, FPO) cannot be delivered.
b.If you come from Brazil or Russia , please leave your full name. (according to the adjusted postal policy of Russia and Brazil, the consignee's name must be the complete name.)
c.About Tax, Customs are beyond our control, we do not guarantee about this and will not bear the Tax fee. You can let we know the right declare price for your parcel.
Return & Refund
a.If we send the wrong style or the wrong color, we could refund you money or reship. Merchandise which is damaged or missing components is not refundable.
b.If you are not 100% satisfied with the quality of your purchase of Lakshmigown, please contact us at the first time, at least in 7 days from the date submitted. We can also accept your return.
c.If goods are damaged in transit, please keep all documentation and packaging and contact us within 7 days of receipt for returns instructions.
a.The picture as a result of the photography condition possibly has the chromatic aberration, if you are not sure about the colors, please contact us before you place the order.
b.If you make the dress tag broken cannot be returned or exchanged